Sponsor a Church

The Glory Project develops partnerships with native missionaries to see a church started in every village. Churches look differently place to place, people to people, and in different cultures. When churches begin a plan is put into place to work with native missionaries within their own context to best share the gospel of Christ and worship in their own language and style. When you support a church, your gift will help establish effective contextualized worship gatherings across Southeast Asia. See below how faithful Christians are gathering together as God’s people.

Support A Missionary & Their Family

About Sponsorship

$100/ Monthly Donation

You can help support one missionary and their family with a monthly donation of $100-$250.

Glory Project supported national workers carry a burning desire for people to know the love of Christ. They are trained and equipped to serve effectively, whether their place of ministry is a slum, a remote mountain community, a large city, an island, or with refugees. Through their prayers, dedication and sacrificial love, thousands of men and women have found new life in Christ. When you become a sponsor, your gift goes to these men and women.

You can impact eternity.

Link your life with a national worker by supporting our Mission Partnership Program.

$100 a month or $1,200 a year, and help change lives for eternity.

A Church In Every Village

Every Dollar Counts

Church Sponsorship Packages

When you provide sponsorship for new church starts you will join local missionaries in their church planting efforts across Southeast Asia. With this funding, our missionaries will create a plan for church planting in at least four villages within a single valley or area. Church sponsorship packages provide funds for the purchase of bibles as well as any language translations needed of bibles, films, and any other materials to aid in the church’s success.

The funds are also used to sponsor evangelistic campaigns in the area and seminars within the church. Finally, these funds will enable the missionary or planters to become self-sufficient by starting micro-enterprise businesses that empower the missionary and their community to grow and thrive. Choose how you would like to support with these options:

a month
$ 0 +

Provide bibles, evangelism resources, or discipleship materials

a month
$ 0 +

Provide a goat or chicken for frontline workers

a month
$ 0 +

Sponsor a local orphanage

a month
$ 0 +

Support a native missionary and their family

a month
$ 0 +

Support church building projects

a month
$ 0 +

Fully support an orphanage for one year

One Time
$ 0 +

Build a new church

Being Built

Church Success Stories

We have a church being built, and adding a location for another one we will build. 

We seek to share the gospel in all it’s fullness to the glory of God by establishing, growing, and maturing the church in Southeast Asia.
– Habakuk 2:14

Glory Project maintains discretion and control over the use of the funds.



5906 Spurwood Drive. Colorado Springs, CO 80918

(1) 719-413-1129


We Are Accountable to Those We Serve and Our Donors.
Our accountability to our donors is one of our highest priorities. Our goal is to use the funds entrusted to us as wise stewards. To do this requires continued monitoring and annual audits of our fund distribution. Glory Project is a member in good standing with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA).
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