Donate to Native Missionaries

Every donation goes towards the continual expansion of the kingdom of God throughout Asia.

Give Here. Start now. Impact for Eternity.

When you donate to missionaries through the Glory Project every donation goes towards the continual expansion of the kingdom of God in Asia through our partnership with indigenous churches, leaders, and ministries and towards projects that aid our mission to help them build a sustainable, self-sufficient, Christ-centered life for themselves and their community.


Your Donation Matters

Missionary Donations

The Glory Project

Missionary Donations have already helped us fund ministry projects in India, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, and Laos. We believe true transformation occurs when the local church identifies its needs and mobilizes. With your help and the help of other like-minded Christians, we seek to make disciples and reproduce the church of God throughout Asia until we have a Church in every Village, until all may believe.

Every donation goes towards the continual expansion of the kingdom of God throughout Asia.

Success Stories

Read more about the impacts being made throughout Asia.

Your Donation Makes A Big Difference 

Donation Packages

Where does the money go?

Many ask before they donate, where does the money go? When you donate to the Glory Project, your donations will be used to support front-line workers in Asia. Your support will go directly to mission initiatives from the native missionaries and church. When specified, donations will go to mission trips in Asia.

How is the money spent?

Your donations to the Glory Project are spent helping the native missionaries remain serving fulltime in ministry. You also help provide evangelism and discipleship resources in their native languages and any translations and printing that must be done to provide those resources to them. When you donate to Christian missionaries through the Glory Project, it is also used to build micro-enterprise businesses, such as agricultural work and sewing,  that allows missionaries and churches to become self-sufficient so they are no longer dependent on western aid.

Donate to Christian Missionaries

When you donate to Christian Missionaries through the Glory Project you help train and equip national workers as they serve throughout the communities of Asia. For 200 dollars a month you can support one missionary and their family as they share the Word of God. When you become a sponsor, you can more information on the missionary so you can pray for them more effectively.

a month
$ 0 +

Provide bibles, evangelism resources, or discipleship materials

a month
$ 0 +

Provide a goat or chicken for frontline workers

a month
$ 0 +

Sponsor a local orphanage

a month
$ 0 +

Sponsor a native missionary and his / her family

a month
$ 0 +

Support church building projects

One Time
$ 0 +

Fully support an orphanage for one year

A Month
$ 0 +

Build a new church

We seek to share the gospel in all it’s fullness to the glory of God by establishing, growing, and maturing the church throughout Asia.
We seek to share the gospel in all it’s fullness to the glory of God by establishing, growing, and maturing the church in Asia.


5801 N Union Blvd, Suite 331
Colorado Springs, CO 80918

We Are Accountable to Our Donors and Those We Serve.
While Glory Project maintains discretion and control over the use of the funds, accountability to our donors is one of our highest priorities. Our goal is to use the funds entrusted to us as wise stewards. To do this requires continued monitoring and annual audits of our fund distribution. Glory Project is a member in good standing with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA).
© 2024 Glory Project. All rights reserved.
The Glory Project, Inc. A registered tax-exempt 501(c)3 non-profit organization with the Internal Revenue Service, tax identification number 84-2984504.