Where We Serve

Missionaires in Asia

The Glory Project partners with native Christian missionaries in Asia including India, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, and Laos. True eternal transformation occurs only when the local church identifies its needs and mobilizes. With your help, together, we can make disciples of Jesus Christ in all 11 countries of Asia until we have a church in every Village, until all may believe.

Some of the Places We Serve

The Glory Project Missionary Training Institute.

Intense 6-month to 3-year training happens at our Missionary Training Institutes to equip frontline workers in their efforts to reach the unreached. They learn how to share the gospel effectively, how to be the church, read the Bible, and more so a church can be started in every village.


Missionaries are serving in the Northern Philippines starting churches in a network of almost twenty. On the island of Mindanao, missionaries are working to start new churches in villages where there are none. Through local kingdom collaboration new churches are being started among the unreached Muslims in the South, in new communities in the large city of Davao, and in rural places. Would you partner with us in reaching the 106 million residents who call the Philippian archipelago their home?


Missionaries are sharing the gospel of Christ in Thailand among the unreached animistic Karen tribal group. They are visiting villages along the Myanmar border and in other rural communities providing refugees and the least of these with a message of hope in Christ. We hope to see a church started in every village by 2025 where the Karen live. Would you join us in achieving this goal by supporting local missionaries who are working hard to engage this people group with the gospel?


In this restricted country of almost 8 million, native missionaries are faithfully sharing the gospel of Christ among the unreached. Churches have been started on banana farms, in Buddhist villages, and in larger cities across the country. The deaf community of Laos is also being touched with the gospel of Christ through a faith-based school that partners with us. God continues to touch the hearts of the people to respond in faith to Christ across the country. Would you join with us in reaching unreached people groups in this country by sponsoring new missionaries?


Missionaries are serving across the country sharing the gospel of Christ to unreached people groups. In a country that has experienced great internal upheaval, they share boldly the love of Christ. They have counted the cost and are pushing forward to share in new places. Two discipleship schools are up and running to equip new believers in their faith and send out new missionaries called by God to serve Christ among the unreached. Would you join us in reaching the 135 different people groups in Myanmar with the gospel of Christ?


Northern India

Through our local bible college, missionaries are being trained to start new churches among the unreached in North India. Students are being equipped to lead existing churches in a way that honors God by keeping the Bible as the authority for their churches and keeping the main task of the church in gospel proclamation. Other students are being sent out to start new biblically based churches to reach the more than 1.3 billion people in India with the gospel? Would you join us in supporting this school that effectively sends out native missionaries to share the love of Christ?

Southern India

Almost 100 missionaries are starting churches in restricted areas of India. New churches have started in the slums of the large cities and other churches have started in rural communities. God is moving mightily through these faithful missionaries who are risking their lives for the sake of the gospel. Would you join us in providing bicycles, medical care, megaphones, bibles, and other resources to help support these men and women serving as faithful witnesses?

For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.
– Habakkuk 2:14

We seek to share the gospel in all it’s fullness to the glory of God by establishing, growing, and maturing the church in Asia.


5801 N Union Blvd., Suite 331
Colorado Springs, CO 80918


We Are Accountable to Our Donors and Those We Serve.
While Glory Project maintains discretion and control over the use of the funds, accountability to our donors is one of our highest priorities. Our goal is to use the funds entrusted to us as wise stewards. To do this requires continued monitoring and annual audits of our fund distribution. Glory Project is a member in good standing with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA).
© 2024 Glory Project. All rights reserved.
The Glory Project, Inc. A registered tax-exempt 501(c)3 non-profit organization with the Internal Revenue Service, tax identification number 84-2984504.