Spreading the Gospel in Thailand

The gospel has been in Thailand for 100 years and still the Thai are less than 1% reached with the

Four New Churches in Bangladesh

This month (August 2024), we saw four churches started in the country of Bangladesh. I praise God for this growth

As Long As He is Glorified

Here, Pastor Breck encourages us to receive times of adversity and blessing as a means for growing in Christlikeness. Trusting

Prayers for Bangladesh

Attention: Pray for the people of Bangladesh. The prime minister has resigned and fled, and chaos continues. There have been

Paul’s Ministry in Athens

Acts 17:16 says, "Now while Paul was waiting for [Silas and Timothy] at Athens, his spirit was provoked within him

World Refugee Day

Refugees Need Your Support June 20th is World Refugee Day. The Glory Project has been ministering to the hundreds of thousands

Every Day Missionary

Jesus said in John 20:21 “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” This is one of 6

God’s Blueprint for Missions

There was a time when the Western world seemed to be saturated with churches. Skylines were filled with steeples. Even

Prayer and the Power of God

This week we had the National Day of Prayer for the United States. One of The Glory Project’s missionaries in

Serving in Southern Nepal

The Glory Project sent their first native missionary to Southern Nepal to start churches among the unreached Bhojpuri people group.