• June 24, 2024

World Refugee Day

Refugees Need Your Support


June 20th is World Refugee Day. The Glory Project has been ministering to the hundreds of thousands who have fled Myanmar since a military coup in 2021. Now over 70% of the country is controlled by rebel forces who are fighting for their freedom (see below). This is a cause for celebration, but also it is a call to prayer. The average person is now struggling to have enough money to just eat three meals a day. In one place, where a native missionary is serving, a liter of gasoline is now $US 75. We need to pray for everyone who finds themselves without a home or family due to war. And we pray about our involvement. 


God calls us to serve the underprivileged and to take care of those in need. In the Old Testament, God provided a means to care for those who are hurting the most with the Year of Jubilee and Sabbath rest. Furthermore, landowners were commanded to leave extra grain so the poor can gather it up. And then in the New Testament, Jesus refused to be bound by strict Sabbath rules and human tradition that were set up to prevent ministry. Instead, he healed on the Sabbath, provided for those in need on the Sabbath, and continually called people to have faith like a child. The apostle James tells us that pure and undefiled religion is to care for the orphan and widow (James 1:27). So, would you consider serving the refugee population with the love of Jesus? If so, you can give by clicking the link below. Also, send us an email asking how you can serve with us on a mission trip to one of these areas.  

Refugees Need Your Support

A Church in Every Village, 

Dr. Breckenridge L. Merkle