• September 16, 2024

Spreading the Gospel in Thailand

The gospel has been in Thailand for 100 years and still the Thai are less than 1% reached with the gospel. So, in 2024 the church launched an emphasis in reaching villages and communities with the truth of Jesus Christ. The Glory Project now has 5 native missionary families sharing across the country. Ask the Lord to bring in 1,000 souls in 2024 and 2025 to celebrate 100 years of the gospel first arriving to Thailand. Here is a testimony from the field.

“ I was born in a village surrounded by Christians, but no one told me about God’s love for me. In college, I want to the city and attended a university. One day, I started to like a girl I saw and started to date her. She introduced me to Mr. Pai who was a Christian and he told me about the gospel. I did not accept this message to begin with, but after hearing it the third time, God touched my heart. I believed in Jesus Christ and was saved when I heard the gospel at Burger King from Mr. Pai. I am now engaged to this young girl and we are learning what it means to put Christ as the center of everything.”