The Glory Project

We want to see A CHURCH IN EVERY VILLAGE started across Asia all for the glory of God.

When Jesus returns, “God’s glory will fill the earth as the waters cover the sea” (Hab. 2:14). There are still 2,6333 unreached people groups in Asia who need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. In an effort for these people to receive God’s glory as a blessing, and not as an instrument of judgment, The Glory Project equips, sends, and sponsors national missionaries and other ministry projects. Seeing a church in every village is how God’s glory will spread across Asia and into the whole world.

Year End Giving

His Glory Resounds is your chance to get involved in missions across Asia in the winter of 2024. Through your gifts and support you will:

Start two new training centers–one in Nepal and one in Myanmar.

Help register and find a new place to house over 100 students at the Training Center (Bible School) in India.

Support new missionaries to be sent out to unreached people groups.

Fund gospel sharing trips for Glory Project leadership and native missionaries across Asia.

Together, let’s reach the unreached with the gospel of Jesus Christ and see a church in every village.

Missionaries in Asia


The Glory Project mobilizes and sends Christian missionaries across Asia to reach the unreached.

God is calling out local missionaries to be witnesses of Jesus Christ within their own unique context, culture, and language. With your sponsorship, together, we can make disciples of Jesus Christ all throughout Asia in some of the hardest to reach places on earth. Become a ministry partner today so we can see a church in every village (Matt. 24:14).

Find out more about our missionaries in Asia on our Where We Serve Page.

Missions in Asia

The Glory Project is a global missionary organization geographically focused on missions in Asia. We equip, send, and partner with national missionaries to:

Reach the unreached with the message of Jesus Christ through any available means.

Plant new multiplying churches among the unreached.

Train national missionaries to effectively proclaim the gospel and shepherd the church.

Disciple Christ-followers to know Jesus more and invest their lives in others.

Demonstrate God’s love to those who are hurting and in need.

Connect the church across the globe with local churches in Asia.

We offer mission opportunities for individuals, church group mission trips, and family mission trips through a variety of Mission Trip opportunities including education centered mission trips, outreach to children or Vacation Bible School (VBS) mission trips, orphanage work, evangelism mission trips, medical mission trips, and disaster relief mission trips. Find out more about our mission opportunities and how to book a trip on our Mission Trips page.

God Stories

Become A Sponsor

$ 100

Support Needed

$ 25

Support Needed

$ 50

Support Needed

Sponsor a Church

The Glory Project builds self-sufficient churches with anyone who is led to sponsor a church in the unreached areas of Asia. These church sponsorship packages are not simply church building sponsors, but also act as investments into the independent future of those churches by helping to build micro-enterprise businesses that allow each church to become self-sufficient and independent from western support. Find out more about sponsoring a church below.

Sponsor an Orphanage

When you sponsor an orphanage at any amount, your gift supports children all across Asia. Our orphanages provide a Christian witness in areas where the gospel needs to be shared. When you sponsor a child, you provide these orphans and children in abject poverty with an opportunity to graduate high school, prepare themselves for future success, and learn God's Word. Find out more about sponsoring an orphanage below.

Sponsor a Missionary

When you sponsor a native missionary, you are supporting frontline Christian workers in Asia. With your financial help and prayers, native missionaries can continue to reach out into unreached areas with the gospel of Christ tangibly meeting the needs of the people. Native missionaries become the feet and hands of Jesus through ministries like refugee assistance, translation work, orphan care, food assistance, and more. The gospel is their focus wherever and however they serve. Find out more about our native missionary sponsorship below.

Better Together

At the Glory Project we work with indigenous churches, leaders, and ministries to build the kingdom of God in Asia. True transformation occurs only when the local church identifies their needs and others are mobilized. Therefore, at The Glory Project we seek to make disciples and reproduce the church of God in Asia.

Missionary Success Stories
From Henry

We’ve seen God move recently among the refugees in India. May of 2022 we saw 15 come to Christ and now with our bible school are eager to help them grow in their relationship with Christ.

Support Education
Missionary Success Stories
From Alfred

We saw three come to faith during one bible school camp in April 2022. With the crumbling of our government, people are wondering who they can trust and they are finding it in Jesus Christ alone.

Establish A Mission
Missionary Success Stories
From Sai Gold

In December 2022 we baptized 15 people (the largest we’ve had in several years) and are see the church grow in our valley. In 2010 we only had four churches, but now are approaching 15 with people turning to Christ monthly.

Support A Church

Glory Investor Partners

We seek to share the gospel in all it’s fullness to the glory of God by establishing, growing, and maturing the church in Asia.


5801 N Union Blvd, Suite 331
Colorado Springs, CO 80918

We Are Accountable to Our Donors and Those We Serve.
While Glory Project maintains discretion and control over the use of the funds, accountability to our donors is one of our highest priorities. Our goal is to use the funds entrusted to us as wise stewards. To do this requires continued monitoring and annual audits of our fund distribution. Glory Project is a member in good standing with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA).
© 2024 Glory Project. All rights reserved.
The Glory Project, Inc. A registered tax-exempt 501(c)3 non-profit organization with the Internal Revenue Service, tax identification number 84-2984504.